Hi, my name is Taylor. I’m a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, soon to be Certified Nutrition Coach. I’ve been a Registered Nurse for 7 years and a long-time fitness enthusiast. Here’s my story…
I was born in Houston, Texas in 1989. I first caught the fitness bug in high school after I joined the dance team. When I went to college, I discovered my love for bodybuilding. I went on to become a registered nurse because I knew I wanted to help people live healthier lives. During my nursing program, I gained quite a bit of weight. The truth is, I have been both underweight and overweight. Today, I am proud to say that I have found that hard-sought balance!
When I graduated from my nursing program and started working full-time as a nurse, I struggled with getting back to a healthy place mentally and physically, so I hired a personal trainer for the first time. I worked with my trainer for 5 years, competed in my first bodybuilding competition, and learned more about my body than I ever thought possible. My trainer was integral to changing my mindset and guiding me while I built habits for better health.
The process of building my physique grew into a passion! Ever since I started this journey, I have heard from many women that they wish they had discipline and dedication to make their health a priority. I’m here to show you that you CAN and you WILL. With the right balance, you can prioritize your health, have the body you want, and enjoy the process! I’m going to teach you everything I’ve learnt, so you can find that inner strength you’ve had all along to reach your goals.
Dahlia is a woman-owned brand that provides a safe space for all women to bloom. The Dahlia Movement is about changing your mindset and pushing your limits! The crimson dahlia flower symbolizes the immense inner strength that women have, and this strength can be harnessed to create the life you dream of. It starts with taking control of your health and reaches even deeper.
You have grit and love for all those around you. Now it is time to find that grit and love for yourself.
Growth is never easy, but it’s so worth it.